Gen Pervez Musharraf ‘to return to Pakistan

Gen Pervez Musharraf ‘to return to Pakistan
8 January 2012 Last updated at 22:19 GMT
Pakistan’s former president, Gen Pervez Musharraf, has said he will return to Pakistan at the end of this month.
He faces arrest on arrival as he is accused of failing to provide adequate security for former PM Benazir Bhutto ahead of her assassination in 2007.
Gen Musharraf, who denies any wrongdoing, has been living abroad since stepping down in 2008.
Addressing a rally by video link from Dubai, he asked his supporters to prepare for elections.
He now leads his own political faction, the All Pakistan Muslim League.
Gen Musharraf told the rally in Karachi that he would be in Pakistan from 27 to 30 January and planned to participate in parliamentary elections, which are due by 2013.
“I’ve been threatened and warned but I’m not one of those who gets scared or backs down,” he told supporters.
“I’ve fought wars. I’ll come to Pakistan.”
The former president has described the case against him as “baseless” and politically led.
Gen Musharraf led a military government which ruled Pakistan from 1999.
His supporters were defeated in parliamentary elections in February 2008, and Gen Musharraf resigned in August that year under threat of impeachment.
Pakistan’s current president is Asif Ali Zardari, who is the widower of the assassinated former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

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